Monday, 29 February 2016

Crimes and sin

Crimes and sin 
Although crime and sin not being at the forefront of the novel they are both depicted interestingly. Crime is not directly focused upon, it is only implied. Meyer Wolfsheim and Gatsby are the representatives of crime within the novel. Wolfsheim and Gatsby have most likely in the past been involved in illegal activities in the past such as bootlegging although this was never actually confirmed. His relationship with Wolfsheim makes Tom especially, doubt his background and his honesty. Other depictions of crime in the novel are shown by the hit and run where Myrtle is killed. Her husband assumes the killer and lover to be Gatsby so fatally shoots him before killing himself.  
The Great Gatsby is a story filled with sins but perhaps most prominently would be lust and greed. These are frequently shown by the affairs and by not being satisfied with one another. Although having sinned frequently Gatsby was the one who was different as he had hope unlike the others. As Nick said he had an " extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which is not likely I shall ever find again." 
A recent example for this topic could be shown in the 2015 film Focus. The character here Nicky is a con artist so therefore making his money in a dubious fashion similar to Gatsby. Nicky has a sketchy relationship with Jess similar of a sort to Gatsby and Daisy's. Although seemingly well off they are in the film aiming for the bigger score, perhaps showing signs of greediness.  

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