Sunday, 20 March 2016

American Woman

rosemary casals

Rosemary Casals

A strong player on the tennis court and a fighter for women's rights, Rosemary Casals made steps for women in the world of tennis/sports. No professional coaching at all, she began participating in tennis tournaments, breaking barriers at country clubs with her Salvadorian background and wildly colored outfits.  In 1967, Casals won the doubles tournament at Wimbledon. She fought for women's monetary prizes to be equal to men's and also for women to have more media coverage. 

Hillary Rodham Clinton

The first First Lady elected to the United States Senate and the first female senator from New York, is currently campaigning to be the first woman nominated for the president and become the first president.  Running for the  Democratic, she is working hard to ensure that the press and American people do not see her as the wife of President Bill Clinton, but as a senator who has contributed much in her own right. On January 20, 2007, Hillary Clinton announced that she was running for president, and joined the historic 2008 race. Although Clinton received roughly 18 million votes, she lost in the Democratic Primary to Senator Barack Obama, who went on to win the presidency. Clinton served as Secretary of State for the Obama administration from 2009-2013. Now she's giving Trump a real run for his money.

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